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Our School

Preschool-12; Neighborhood; CLC; SBHC

Oyler Community Learning Center achieves academic excellence through innovation and collaboration. As the national model for community learning centers, Oyler boasts dozens of partnerships both inside and outside of the classroom that focus on the success of the whole child from birth to college and beyond.

With a strong emphasis on leadership skills, critical thinking, and teamwork, Oyler’s Media Arts program allows students to engage in creative hands-on projects. From filmmaking and newscasting to photography, podcasting and graphic design, students use top of the line technology that improve literacy standards while building excellent communications skills starting in kindergarten.

Oyler also hosts a school-based health center, vision center, dental clinic, early childhood education center, after school programs, the Al Hampton Mentoring program and the Oyler Family Welcome Center that provides a variety of family stability and family advancement resources.